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Can you help police find missing Charlie? He was last seen yesterday afternoon (20 September) when he was wearing his school uniform.⁰⁰He is described as White, with blond hair that is mid length on top and is of skinny build and has links to Croydon.


We express our deepest sympathies for the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Her dedication to the UK, other realms & territories is unparalleled & we thank her for her service. MPS will observe the mourning period whilst continuing to support our whole school community.


MPS is currently looking for a Project Officer - Chelsea Champion to deliver pastoral, wellbeing and diversionary activities that aim to enhance emotional wellbeing and resilience in our students.


New blog - Sufian Sadiq () from discusses the importance of addressing the ethnic disparities that exist within the teaching profession.Read his thoughts, first published in , here:


New blog - Sufian Sadiq () from discusses the importance of addressing the ethnic disparities that exist within the teaching profession.Read his thoughts, first published in , here:


A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill a love of learning. Would you like a where you can be part of a team who make a difference every day? Find out from Lisa about becoming part of the GLF community


A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill a love of learning. Would you like a where you can be part of a team who make a difference every day? Find out from Lisa about becoming part of the GLF community


We currently have a number of fantastic opportunities for LSAs, a Cover Supervisor, and Learning Resource Centre Coordinator to join our team at Merstham Park School. Please click on the link below to take you to our website.


A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill a love of learning. Would you like a where you can be part of a team who make a difference every day? Find out from Lisa about becoming part of the GLF community


We currently have a number of fantastic opportunities to join our team at Merstham Park School. Please click on the link below. More vacancies will be live on our website very soon!


New blog - Sufian Sadiq () from discusses the importance of addressing the ethnic disparities that exist within the teaching profession.Read his thoughts, first published in , here:


There was a huge celebration this week on the site of our new home: the last of the 178 modules was put into place. The Department of Education, McAvoy, Mr Ward and Mr Garner took our Head and Deputy Head Boys and Girls to have a look around - only one and a half terms to go!


Mr Chaloner, Mr Ward and Mr Garner had a sneak preview of the inside of our new home today. Highlights included the Dance Studio and Fitness Suite, the Sports Hall and the roofs full of solar panels which will enable MPS to be a low carbon school.


We are very excited to be able to share with you the progress that has been made on our new home in the last 2 weeks. Please click here to view the work and also some fantastic moon rises and weather patterns:


Thank you to everyone who joined us at our Open Evening and to our amazing staff who made the event really special. We have a few spaces left on our Open Morning on Thurs 21 Oct and due to popular demand, we have added Tues 19 Oct. Email to book.


The gates have opened to our 2021 Open Evening. We hope you enjoy seeing how MPS ignites a passion for learning in all our students.


Less than 1 hour before we open the gates. Our hard working staff are busy making sure that the evening is a great success. Mrs Eckershall has instruments galore in Music, Miss Mosley has experiments in Science, Mr Walker brings colour to Maths, and there is also a tent..!


With just 2 hours to go, Mr Ward is rehearsing his presentation, Mrs Harkness and Mr Tunbridge are putting the finishing touches to their Art displays and Mr Martin is preparing a demonstration in DT. We cant wait to see you at our Open Evening (5-8pm)


With less than 3 hours to go, all staff at MPS are on hand to make tonight's Open Evening really special. We are really looking forward to seeing Year 6 children and their families


Less than 24 hours until our Open Evening for Year 6 children and their families. There is no need to book: please just come along and join us between 5pm and 8pm. The Head of School will be delivering talks at 5.15, 6.15 and 7.15pm. We look forward to welcoming you to MPS.

Posted on: 30/03/2022

River of Hope


River of Hope

The British Council have launched a project called "River of Hope".  The purpose of the project is to encourage teachers to use art to teach environmental themes. In 2022, River of Hope forms a central part of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. The Queen has always shown a great love and respect for the natural environment. The hope is that this project will encourage young people around the world to think about the importance of safeguarding the future of their own natural environment.

Two hundred of the artworks created will be printed onto silk flags and will be processed as part of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pageant. In addition, they will be hosting an online gallery to display all the artworks received from around the world.

Year 10 GCSE students who are studying both Art and Geography (Michaela, Mason, Mia, Leana and Holly) have come together to create Artwork based on their studies in Geography. The students have been learning about rivers in Nigeria, and how pollution by oil giants have caused this. The Niger River Delta is a densely populated region that extends over about 70,000 km2 and makes up nearly 8% of Nigeria’s land mass. Between 1976 and 2001 there were nearly 7,000 incidents involving oil spills where most of the oil was never recovered. As of 2012, some 2 million barrels of oil were being extracted from the delta every day. Groundwater and soil have been heavily polluted in the process, which has also devastated aquatic and agricultural communities. 

The students have been learning about how the oil has caused catastrophic damage to the people of Nigeria and their way of life. The locals are unable to use the rivers and water supplies and nature has been damaged and destroyed. The Nigerian community have high levels of toxic chemicals in their water resources and even underground water is being polluted through seepage in waste dump sites. This is a major health risk and very upsetting to learn about.


The major industries responsible for water pollution include petrol, mining, pharmaceuticals, textiles, plastics, iron, steel, paint, food, brewing and distillery fermentation. The oil spills have affected local population health in a number of ways. One article published in the Nigerian Medical Journal in 2013 estimated that “the widespread pollution could lead to a 60% reduction in household food security and a 24% increase in the prevalence of childhood malnutrition. This is in addition to the fact that the crude oil is likely hemotoxic and can cause infertility and cancer”.

The students chose petrol and oil as their main source of inspiration in their imagery and decided that their design would be largely grayscale. Mrs Harkness led the students in discussion about how to produce imagery for their flag design. The students wanted to contrast simple shapes with more detailed studies for impact and it was a real team effort to combine the imagery together to create the final design. The imagery includes ideas that the students felt passionately about, and imagery that they wanted to communicate a message through in their flag design. 

The students wanted the message about pollution, oil and impact to be portrayed, so that they could educate others in their design. The students had the freedom to choose their imagery, and their media choice. Some chose paint onto cardboard surfaces, some chose drawings and graphite onto paper. They wanted to create a strong impact in their composition. Each student contributed a small part of the overall design which was put together by their teacher Mr Tunbridge. Many thanks to Mt Tunbridge for spending so much of his time photoshopping the final imagery together.

“The students have enjoyed creating Art with a message, to educate others about something that they feel strongly about and bringing two of their option choices together outside of the classroom. They are excited at the prospect of having their flag displayed in a public place and telling others about devastating issues in the world”.  Mrs Harkness, Head of the Arts Faculty.  

“This is a great opportunity for the students to bring Art and Geography together and work cross-curricular for such a powerful project”. Mr Porter, Head of Humanities.