Technology & G-Suite Office
At Merstham Park School, we recognise that in a digital age, and with rapid and continuing changes in the way that people share, use, develop and communicate with ICT, young people need to be highly skilled in its use. Our philosophy is to embrace innovative pedagogical practices incorporating IT in all areas of the school. With the support of GLF Schools, Merstham Park facilitates learning environments that enhance teachers’ pedagogical capacity and offers spaces throughout the school, which provide seamless access to virtual, electronic and physical tools and resources. Students have the opportunity to become competent, multi literate, collaborative and creative users of a range of technologies ranging from mobile devices to personal digital devices with teachers actively integrating technology in their curriculum planning. Chromebooks are used regularly in lessons to enhance learning.
The school provides opportunities for all students along the learning continuum to experience success in the formal curriculum setting and beyond the classroom as well. Structures, support and programs are in place to heighten engagement, create stronger connections in their learning journey and build capacity and confidence.