Pupil Premium
Our vision is for a high-educated society in which opportunity is more equal for children and young people no matter what their background or family circumstances.
Department for Education
Vision Statement
The Pupil Premium was introduced by the Government in April 2011. From September 2012, schools now receive specific funds to support students from low-income families who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) or have been at any point in the last six years (Ever 6), Looked After Children (CLA) and those from families with parents in the Armed Forces (SC), under the umbrella, Pupil Premium (PP).
Aim of Funding
Schools have autonomy to spend the funds as they wish, with the aim of reducing the attainment gap between Pupil Premium and non-Pupil Premium students. The Government and governors hold schools to account with regards to the impact of this spending and all schools are required to publish this information on their website.
Our School
The school is committed to the vision outlined in the Department for Education statement at the beginning of this document. In order to ensure the school has a sharp focus on the attainment and progress of Pupil Premium students, a member of the Senior Leadership Team has the responsibility for leading the strategies and managing the provision for this group of students. In addition, the Extended Leadership Team is focusing on this area as part of their wider school role.
The support that Pupil Premium students receive is informed by the latest documentation and research from: the Department for Education, Ofsted, Education Endowment Foundation, The Westminster Briefing and The Sutton Trust.
Please click here to view our Pupil Premium Policy.
Please click here to view our Pupil Premium Report.