GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

Drama Revision and Support

Knowledge Organisers for Drama can be found HERE

Component 1

Component 2

Component 3

What content does this cover?

Understanding Drama (written exam 40%)

  • Knowledge and understanding of drama and theatre 

  • Study of one set play: Blood Brothers by Willy Russell

  • Analysis and evaluation of the work of live theatre makers

What content does this cover?

Devising Drama (practical exam and coursework 40%)

  • The process of creating devised drama

  • Performance of devised drama group piece 

  • Analysis and evaluation of your own work through coursework (Devising Log)

What content does this cover?

Texts in Practice (practical exam 30%)

  • Performance of two extracts from one play

  • Performed in front of an examiner from AQA

  • This component is a practical component in which students are assessed on their ability to apply

theatrical skills to realise artistic intentions in live performance.

  • Component 3 constitutes 20% of the GCSE.

  • Each extract performance is marked out of 20.

How should I revise?

Section A: 4 marks, multiple choice

Have an understanding of the different roles within a theatre.


Section B: 44 marks, four questions on a given extract from the set play chosen

Thoroughly study Blood Brothers, ensuring that you know key scenes and characters from the perspective of being an actor or director.

Pay attention to physical and vocal skills required, characters, plot, and dramatic techniques you would use in performance.

Make notes on key scenes, characters, and any relevant quotes. Consider how the play can be interpreted in different ways.


Section C: 32 marks, one question from a choice in three on live theatre evaluation

Attend the live theatre production that we will watch as a class. Analyse the performance, considering staging, acting, design elements, and the overall impact on the audience.

How should I revise?

This requires rehearsing rather than devising so make sure you are regularly rehearsing with your group outside of lessons. If you have arranged a rehearsal, make sure you attend. 


Make sure you are filling in your devising booklet throughout the devising process so that you are preparing yourself  well to write your devising log. 


When you have completed the performance exam, make sure that you are focussed during every lesson when completing the devising log. You are allowed to complete this at home too so make sure that you spend as much time as you can on it because it is worth 30% of your final mark!


How should I revise?

This requires rehearsing rather than devising so make sure you are regularly rehearsing with your group outside of lessons. If you have arranged a rehearsal, make sure you attend. 


Make sure you learn your lines quickly so that you can focus on your characterisation. 


Research around the play you have been given - find out about the context of the play and the playwright. 


Key Revision Techniques:


Complete past papers


Create revision materials such as flashcards, mind maps, and summary notes to condense key information.


Recap the feedback you receive from practice essays or answers. 


Answer exam questions under timed conditions to practice  responding within the time frame.

Key Revision Techniques:


Rehearsal with your group


Key Revision Techniques:


Rehearsal with your group


Learning Lines:

Break It Down:

Divide your lines into smaller sections or chunks. Focus on learning one section at a time before moving on to the next. 


Repeat and Rehearse:

Repetition is key. Rehearse your lines regularly. The more you repeat them, the more familiar they become.

Use different methods of repetition, such as speaking the lines aloud, writing them down, or creating flashcards.


Understand the Context:

Understand the context and meaning behind your lines. Knowing the purpose and emotion behind the words can make them easier to remember.



All lesson slides and revision material are uploaded to Google Classroom for you to revise from. 



All lesson slides and revision material are uploaded to Google Classroom for you to revise from. 



All lesson slides and revision material are uploaded to Google Classroom for you to revise from. 

Other useful resources


BBC Bitesize 


Section A


Section B 20 marker


Section C


How to revise to get a grade 9


Other useful resources


Creating a Devising Log


Physical Skills


Vocal Skills

Other useful resources


Physical Skills


Vocal Skills